Teaching Experience:
Undergraduate :Survival Analysis, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Multivariate Analysis
Master,Ph.D.:Advanced mathematical statistics, Longitudinal Data Analysis, Generalized Linear Models, Limit Theorem, Nonparametric Statistics, Nonparametric Time Series
Master: Literature Review on Research Frontier of Statistical Learning Theory I
Ph.D.:Literature Review on Research Frontier of Distributed Learning Theory,Literature Review on Research Frontier of Statistical Learning Theory II,Research on Statistical Topics
Undergraduate: Computational statistics
Master: Functional Data Analysis,Causal inference
Ph.D.:Nonparametric Statistical Theory, Spatio-temporal Big Data Analysis
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics
Master: Literature Review on Research Frontier I
Ph.D.:Literature Review on Research Frontier II,Statistical Models Driven by Data、Research on Statistical Topics
Undergraduate: Computational statistics
Master: Functional Data Analysis,Causal inference
Ph.D.:Nonparametric Statistical Theory, Spatio-temporal Big Data Analysis
2021Fall :
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics
Master: Literature Review on Research Frontier I
Ph.D.:Literature Review on Research Frontier II,Statistical Models Driven by Data、Research on Statistical Topics
2021Spring :
Undergraduate: Computational statistics
Master: Functional Data Analysis,Causal inference
Ph.D.: Nonparametric Statistical Theory,Spatio-temporal Big Data Analysis
2020Fall :
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics
Ph.D.: Research on Statistical Topics,Statistical Models Driven by Data,Literature Review on Research Frontier II
2020 Spring:
Master: Functional Data Analysis, Causal inference
Ph.D.: Nonparametric Statistical Theory ,Spatio-temporal Big Data Analysis
2019 Fall:
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics
Master: Literature Review on Research Frontier I
Ph.D.: Literature Review on Research Frontier II, Statistical Models Driven by Data, Research on Statistical Topics
2019 Spring:
Master: Functional Data Analysis, Literature Review and Essay Writing (Required)
Ph.D.: Spatio-temporal Big Data Analysis
2018 Fall:
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics
Ph.D.: Statistical Models Driven by Data, Literature Review on Research Frontier, Nonparametric Statistical Theory
2018 Spring:
Undergraduate: Statistics
Master: Literature Review and Essay Writing (Required), Functional Data Analysis
Ph.D.: Research on Statistical Topics
2017 Fall:
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics
Ph.D.: Literature Review on Research Frontier, Literature Review on Research Classics
2017 Spring:
Master: Correlated Data Statistical Analysis, Functional Data Analysis
2016 Fall:
Undergraduate: Introduction to Statistics, Categorial Data Analysis
Ph.D.: Literature Review on Research Frontier, Research on Statistical Topics, Statistical Modelling and Estimation Method Based on Data
2016 Spring:
Master: Functional Data Analysis, Correlated Data Statistical Analysis
2015 Fall:
Undergraduate: Nonparametric Statistics, Probability (Science)
Ph.D.: Literature Review on Research Classics, Research on Statistical Topics, Statistical Modelling and Estimation Method Based on Data
2015 Spring:
Master: Functional Data Analysis, Correlated Data Statistical Analysis
2014 Fall:
Undergraduate: Nonparametric Statistics
Ph.D.: Literature Review on Research Classics, Research on Statistical Topics, Statistical Modelling and Estimation Method Based on Data
2014 Spring:
Master: Panel Data Statistical Analysis
2013 Fall:
Ph.D.: Research on Statistical Topics,Literature Review on Research Classics, Statistical Modelling and Estimation Method Based on Data
2013 Spring:
Undergraduate: Financial Data Processing and Mining
Master: Generalized Linear Models, Panel Data Statistical Analysis
Ph.D.:Modern Statistical Theory and Methods
2012 Fall:
Ph.D.: Literature Review on Research Classics, Research on Statistical Topics, Modern Statistical Theory and Methods, Statistical Modelling and Estimation Method Based on Data
2012 Spring:
Undergraduate: Statistics
Master: Panel Data Statistical Analysis
Ph.D.:Statistical Asymptotic Theory
2011 Fall:
Master: Modern Statistical Theory and Methods
Ph.D.:Literature Review on Research Classics, Research on Statistical Topics
2011 Spring:
Ph.D.:Advanced Statistics
2010 Fall:
Master: Modern Statistical Theory and Methods
Ph.D.:Literature Review on Research Classics